
How Selling Websites Can Make You $2500 Per Month

Selling Websites – Today I’m going to teach you how to build a website with no code in around 30 minutes, then sell that website for $2500 within the space of a few months. One of the easiest methods I know to make big money fast with minimal work. This is a full guide, so get yourself a cup of coffee and have a notepad and pen at the ready. Let’s start this.


So, how does this all work? Here’s a quick breakdown in whats involved while selling websites.

  • Create A Website
  • Build A Big Social Following
  • Get Views And Traffic
  • Earn A Profit
  • Sell
  • Repeat

This process may seem hard, but once you’ve tried it a few times, you’ll get more experienced and be able to create better, more professional sites, which will then lead to more profits.


The first thing you’re going to want to do is pick the industry your first website is going to be in. This is usually the longest process, as you’ll want to take the time to work out what website will make you the most money.

For example popular niches like:

  • Fitness
  • Health
  • Marketing
  • Beauty/Fashion
  • Video games
  • Food

Are always going to be worth way more than the more specific niches. So while picking your industry you’ll want to use the advice below.

Check Flippa.com: First you’ll want to check out Flippa and see what kind of websites are selling, look at the most popular, see their stats and what they’re selling for and at the beginning only worry about the websites going for $1,000 to $3,500, because that’s your competition.

What’s Popular: Most people on social media have an idea of what websites are popular at any given moment. Just use your own knowledge to make the discussion on what kind of website you build at the beginning.

Tip: You can also go and check sites like BuySellAds to see what niches get the most views and sell ad space at the highest prices.


Okay, so after you’ve picked the industry you want to be placed in, it’s time to make a quick, but effective websites.

Domain: First go to GoDaddy and get your domain. Try to make the domain relevant.

Hosting: Then go to HostGator and pick up some good, but affordable hosting.

Theme: Then just go to MyThemeShop and get 60% off their themes by using code: 101geek.com

Logo: You can either go to Fiverr for extra cheap logo or to LogoNerds if you’re planning on having a nicer logo. I usually go to Fiverr at the beginning and then once you become more confident with your selling ability you can then use someone like LogoNerds.

Full Guide On Building A Website: That’s all you need to do, but if you want to see a full guide on how to make a website in 30 minutes with no code then just read that.


You then need to add the following to your website in order to keep track of the value, views and to help you have something worth selling.

  • Google Analytic
  • Google Webmaster Tools
  • 20 + High Quality Articles:
  • Queue Articles: 2 x articles every week for at least 10 weeks

You need to produce at least 20 high quality articles before you even think about selling the blog. The more articles you have, the more views you’ll get, the more your site will be worth.

I usually try my best to get at least 2 articles published every week for few months before the sites ready to sell. Remember: The more high quality articles you have on the blog, the more money you’ll get for the website.


Next you need to take some time to build the social media profiles. This is one of the most important bits of this article. People rate a site by it’s social media profiles, so the more followers/likes you have the better it looks..

I’ve got pretty great at building big social media profiles, so below is a few guides that’ll teach you exactly what you need to know about building social followers.

  • Facebook Guide To Likes
  • Twitter Guide To followers
  • Tumblr Guide To Followers
  • Pinterest Guide To Followers

Tip: All accounts need the same passwords and email, it makes it easier to transfer the accounts to someone else when you sell.

Why This Is So Important: There’s a few reasons, the main being that Google use social signals and accounts as a way to determine the power of a website, so if you’ve got a few thousand followers you become more powerful in the eyes of Google.

Two, it’s a great feature to see a website with and it makes people pay more money.


After around two weeks of running your site, building social media profiles and posting content, you’ll need to start advertising. This is where you build the fan base and start getting traffic to the blog.

Do 5 x Guest Posts: Find 5 people who’ll allow you to write for them in exchange for a “do-follow” link back to your blog. You can start with 5, but the more the merrier.

Cheap Banner Ads: Go and look around forums for cheap banner ads on relevant sites, you can get the banner ad design on Fiverr to keep costs low.

Don’t buy anything for more than $10, You want to look for the real bargains.

Interviews: If you’ve got a good story then find people who’ll Interview you, these people link back and if you’ve got a good story it’s a great way to develop authority.

Forums: Forums are going to be the main place you look for your advertising deals, just be careful and remember if something is too good to be true, it usually is.


The moment you’ve all been waiting for… The time where your website start to make money. Remember we’re building it to sell it. So, even though you can earn good money with the websites you build, you’re always going to make more money selling them and re-opening new ones.

5 High Quality Affiliate Articles: 5 of the 20 + articles you use on your blog want to be affiliate articles. These are articles that earn the most money.

Example: On an affiliate articles I’ll show people how to use a software that costs money, I’ll then join the affiliate program and anyone who buys through my links give me money.

Creating five of these isn’t hard and is something that’ll really makes the money.

Tip: Try to only us 10 affiliate accounts, make it as easy as possible to showcase the earning and for them to make the earnings work for them.

Adsense Ads: You can then enable adsense ads on your website. Adsense is great because it’s a benchmark ad network, Meaning people trust them and use them as an industry standard of money making.

Related Post Ads: You can also get some related post ads, these help you earn small money at the beginning, but it does grow towards the end of the three months.


You can add $3000 + to the price of your website if it has an active forum inside a good industry. I’m not amazing at building forums in quick amounts of time, but if you can then definitely do.


Now you just need to head over to Flippa.com and list your website. After you’ve done that you promote it everywhere. On your social media, banner ads on forums, as many places as possible.


You’ll need to do this with 5 websites for the next 3 months. After that you’ll usually have 3 strong sites which will sell for $2,500 and another two sites that’ll sell for $500 to $1,500, so that’s $9,000 to $10,500 for three months work.

This is also just the basics, the more you do it, the more you’ll learn how to make more money doing it.


Just repeat this system, adding new tips/tricks onto it each site and within no time you’ll have an awesome business earning tons of cash.

How Selling Websites Can Make You $2500 Per Month – You can hopefully see why selling websites is a big money making method. The sky is the limit and the better you get at building sites up, the more you can sell them for, the more you earn online. After doing this for a few months with multiple sites you’ll see the power of working from home on your PC. If you need any help feel free to leave a comment below or send me a message privately. Have an awesome day.